Why We Read Cosmetic Ingredient Lists and Why You Should Too
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Many consumers fail to read the bottom of the ingredient list label when buying cosmetics. They a...

Retailer Spotlight: WOC Beauty Canada
To announce the stocking of our lipsticks in WOC Beauty Canada, we are posting a retailer spotli...

Keisha Adinkra Beautifēk Lipstick Review Coral & Garnet Blending
We love Keisha's in-depth review of our warm, red-orange lipstick Coral and our deep red, Garnet....

Why Blending Lipsticks Is Worth It
What is Blending?
Blending is when you mix two lipstick colors together. This technique can be d...
New Website, New Photos Launch for Beautifēk
After much behind the scenes works, drawings/sketches, discussion, planning, we are ecstatic to finally announce that our new brand Beautifēk is launched!
New Name, Mission Still The Same
We are still committed to natural health, well-being and beauty from within. We believe beauty is from within. That is why our natural lipsticks are made with organic, moisturizing, anti-aging ingredients. Beautifēk For the woman who is god’s masterpiece. Ephesians 2:10.