An open letter on beauty from our founder

What is beauty? 

Beauty seems like an elusive dream for most that requires us to do something in order to achieve it. Everyone is familiar with some definition of the word beauty.

However, from a Christian perspective, beauty has nothing to do with physical appearance at all, but it is solely focused on character. For charm is deceiving and beauty fades (Proverbs 31:30). In actuality, it is who we are as people which determines our beauty.


When I (Sylvia) was younger I struggled with a lack of self confidence and feeling like I had to prove that I was worthy or capable to other people. As I got older I was motivated by jealousy of what others had. I have learned that my motivation “to be more” shouldn’t stem from comparison or envy.

This is where holistic beauty comes in. The motivation behind why we choose to take care of ourselves and be the best we can be doesn’t stem from competition or insecurity, but from the motive to be all God made us to be.

This belief is the core of Beautifēk – beauty products should be made for all women–no matter the age, skin complexion or skin type–because in God’s eyes all women are his masterpieces (Ephesians 2:10). I also wanted to create products that not only could enhance our beauty, but did so without compromising our health. 

Beautifēk products are open to all women, whatever their spiritual journeys, and their personal beliefs do not have to mirror mine. For those who don’t feel like they’ve really fit into the beauty industry, we are here for you. 

My desire for Beautifēk is to inspire women to value themselves because God values them. 

The above photo shows my mother (wearing Coral Beautifēk Lipstick), my sister (wearing Garnet Beautifēk Lipstick), and myself (wearing Rose Quartz Beautifēk Lipstick) from the back cover of our book My Divine Natural Hair.

-- SB